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In 1906, under the terms of Treaty 9, the Crown promised to set apart reserves for each band based on one square mile of reserve land per family of five, or 128 acres per person. From 1906 to 2018, there never have been any lands set apart for the use and benefit of the Missanabie Cree people, and as a result, the First Nation suffered and continues to suffer significant damages. With no land base for over 100 years, and their traditional livelihood of hunting and fishing undermined with the creation of the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve, people began to leave the Missanabie area in search of economic opportunities to support their families. Areas of settlement were spread across Canada and the Missanabie Cree people have been living without their own land base in rural areas such as Sault Ste. Marie, Wawa, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Sudbury, and London, Ontario. Many went as far as the East and West Coast making Missanabie Cree First Nation a unique Band.


The Missanabie Cree First Nation filed a claim with Canada on the basis that they have an outstanding entitlement to land under the terms of Treaty Nine, and that both Ontario and Canada, who were signatories to the Treaty, have breached their treaty obligations by failing to set aside land for the Missanabie Cree. Canada accepted the TLE claim for negotiation under the Specific Claims policy.


While discussions remain ongoing with the Ontario government, in 2011, Missanabie Cree First Nation successfully concluded an agreement with the Government of Ontario for a land transfer of 15 square miles of Crown land in the Missanabie area and has successfully had this land designated as a reserve in 2018 under the Additions to Reserve Policy. 


The Missanabie Cree were also successful in negotiating with the Government of Canada for loss of use compensation under their Treaty Land Entitlement claim which was recorded the largest per capita settlement in the history of Canada. The Government of Canada has also included 5 additional square miles, where its location has yet to be determined.

Missanabie is part of the James Bay Treaty (Treaty #9), is a member of the Mushkegowuk Council and a political-territorial affiliate of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

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We are the Omushkego of the Missanabie Cree Ililiwak;

whose vision is to have a united and self-governing body

that will determine our destiny guided by the Seven Grandfather Teachings.


We have a vision of a leadership that is open, honest, trustworthy;

a leadership with conviction, accessible to the people;

a leadership that is progressive yet respectful of our traditions, values, and beliefs;

a leadership with confidence, always watchful and assertive

in protecting and preserving the treaty and aboriginal rights of our people;

a leadership that is directed by our people

and with exclusive accountability to our people and our people alone.


We have a vision of our community re-established on the traditional lands

that were once the homeland of our ancestors

where institutions of our government, economy and education can once again thrive.


We have a vision of a people where individuals and families can stand strong

and find healing through tradition and spirituality;

individuals and families who are loving and compassionate.


We have a vision of a people who are bi-cultural and bi-lingual;

a people who can walk in both worlds contributing to our well-being,

the well-being of other Indigenous Peoples; contributing and competing globally.


We have a vision of a Nation of people who respect the dignity of all;

a people who find balance through equality.


We have a vision of people who respect the environment,

harvesting and reaping the resources of the land in a sustainable manner

as responsible stewards for the use of future generations.


We are the Omushkego of the Missanabie Cree Ililiwak;

whose vision it is to regain and restore our rightful place

and through the strength of our people, never again be denied our place in society.


September  20, 1998 - Revised March 9, 2021 - Motion

Missanabie Cree First Nation Vision Statement


Missanabie Cree First Nation Satellite Band Office

174B Hwy 17 B 
Garden River, ON P6A 6Z1


559 Queen St. E.

Sault Ste Marie, ON


Tel: 705 254-2702

Fax: 705 254-3292

Island View Camp, ON


P.O Box 30

Missanabie, ON


Tel: 705 234-2869

Toll Free: 1-800-816-8702

Fax: 705 234-2619




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